Here at RightTrack Learning, we are very lucky to have such a wonderful team of people, and we want you to find out more about them too!
So, meet Kasmin…RightTrack’s Founder and Director who started the company in 1988.
Not only is Kasmin a learning design genius and has managed development projects for the likes of Gucci, IKEA, Kellog’s and Volvo, she has been awarded an OBE by the Queen for her services to training and export!

Kasmin Cooney OBE
Job Title:
What is your role at RightTrack?
My role involves two key areas of focus.
One is to discuss potential development projects with existing and new customers, who are in the main looking to implement bespoke projects. Some development needs can be quite complex, including the requirement for different courses at different management levels, sometimes the inclusion of specific scenarios, where we need to include actors, with some projects requiring the inclusion of bespoke video films.
The other part of my job is designing training, including script writing for videos and live drama events.
With a coffee in hand I start the day responding to emails. I find with many people working outside of the usual office hours, my inbox can be quite full with requests coming in since I signed off at 6.00 p.m. or even 7.00 p.m. the day before.
I usually have two or three MS Teams meetings with potential customers, discussing creative ways we can achieve their learning objectives. I then move onto internal project/design meetings where we progress ongoing projects and draft material is then presented/discussed with clients before sign off. Some days also include rehearsals with actors and getting projects to go live.
What do you like about your role?
I have worked in the business for over 30 years and I just love what I do.
If I had to say specifically what I love about my role, it would be the creative side. I love discussing complex training needs and finding the right solutions, and then working with the RightTrack team to create the learning sessions – live virtual or in person.
I wouldn’t want to do anything else. I am blessed to work with so many different people, working in all sectors private and public, UK based and overseas.
What has been your biggest achievement?
In 1987, before RightTrack Learning was set up I attended a residential Train the Trainer course to learn how to develop training material and deliver courses.
Half way through I got extremely nervous about having to make presentations and role play being a trainer. At one point it was so bad I couldn’t get my words out and decided to pack my bags and head for home. Perhaps training was not for me after all.
The wonderful and patient, course facilitator, Francis Burley encouraged me to stay at least until the end of the week and I made an agreement to do that and give it another go. As the week progressed, I got slightly less nervous and managed to finish the course.
My biggest personal achievement was persevering and actually becoming a trainer. This was the start of a 30+ year career, which I have so enjoyed.
From a professional viewpoint, my proudest moment was receiving an OBE from Prince Charles in 2011, for services that I and the RightTrack team had made to Training and Export. See what happens when you put your mind to it and persevere!
What does being brave mean to you?
For me being brave means overcoming challenges which are personal to each individual and pushing ahead despite feeling apprehensive and daunted. It’s about taking a deep breath and jumping into the unknown.
Explain a time you were brave…
I experienced a very bad diving accident and after I had physically recovered, I decided to have one last drive to prove to myself I could do it. A bit like falling off a horse and jumping back on.
Another time when I needed to be brave in a work situation, was when I volunteered to speak at a client conference thinking the audience was about 100 people. Just before I came onto the stage I learned there were 660 people out there – I really wanted to run, but couldn’t back out.
My talk was well received and everything went well, as I battled with a dry mouth. But I felt so good about myself afterwards.
Describe your ideal weekend…
Saturday: warm sunny day, being surrounded by my husband, kids and three little grandchildren. Good food and good conversation.
Sunday: homemade pancake breakfast, with stewed apples, Sunday papers, trip to the Cotswold’s, an early dinner and a good Sunday night drama (such as Line of Duty).
To contact Kasmin or any of the team, email or phone 0121 222 7313.