'Conscious Inclusion' Training (with Actors!)
4 modules. 6 weeks. 18 spaces. Live actors. And everything you need to confidently lead a diverse team & champion inclusion. Early bird tickets just £400 (£450 thereafter.)
This comprehensive, interactive live-virtual course is our flagship Conscious Inclusion programme, filled with our repertoire’s best bits. It’s been carefully curated to build confidence, change unconscious habits, and enhance practical skills – with the support of a specialist every step of the way. At the end you will take away with you a certificate and toolkit of activities designed specifically to take your team on the journey with you.
Here’s how it looks:
Module 1 – Managing Diversity & Inclusion
Module 2 – Courageous Conversations (with live actors)
Module 3 – Unconscious Bias
Module 4 – Inclusive Leadership (with live actors)
Course Overview
By the end of Module One, participants will have explored:
– Their own personal motivation for championing equality, diversity, and inclusion
– How assumptions, stereotypes and different kinds of bias can impact (and how to guard against them)
– The line that is between banter, bullying, harassment and discrimination
– How to deal with inappropriate behaviour in a constructive way
– The relevant legal stuff
– The business case
– Exploring their own team dynamics and organisational culture to identify existing best practice and barriers to equality, diversity, and inclusion
– Tangible actions to drive positive change in their own team and how to get the ball rolling from the get-go
By the end of Module Two, participants will have explored:
– The difference between informally ‘Speaking Out’ and a structured ‘Courageous Conversation’
– Barriers to Speaking Out and Courageous Conversations in remote working environments
– Benefits of having open conversations, and the impact of avoiding them
– Our legal and moral obligations as leaders to manage inappropriate behaviours
– How to prepare for a Courageous Conversation
– The importance, complexity, and skill of assertive communication
– Giving feedback constructively and how to handle different reactions
– The value of requesting feedback
– A personal plan of tangible actions that can be implemented immediately
By the end of Module Three, participants will have explored:
– The filters through which we view and interpret ourselves and others (and the reliability and impact of these filters)
– Stats and facts that demonstrate the impact of unconscious bias on equity and inclusion
– The ‘hows and whys’ of unconscious bias and the concept of Daniel Kahneman’s Fast and Slow Thinking
– Types of bias: Affinity, Benevolence, Confirmation, Halo and Horns, and Groupthink
– The part micro-aggressions, micro-inequities and micro-affirmations play, and the importance of inclusive language
– How to re-frame our thinking to guard against implicit association and stereotypes
– The importance of personal networks and opportunities to broaden our perspectives
– Top ten tips for reducing the impact of unconscious bias
– A personal action plan and intentions to drive positive change
By the end of Module Four, participants will have explored:
– The four core traits of an Inclusive Leader
– Barriers to inclusive leadership
– What inclusive leadership looks like in a day-to-day context
– How the learning from Managing EDI, Courageous Conversation and Unconscious Bias modules come together to support our aim to become Consciously Inclusive Leaders
– An inclusive leadership self-audit
– A short- and long-term plan to embed new habits and continue to increase self-awareness
– How to use the takeaway toolkit to take their team on the journey with them
Don’t just take our word for it…
100% of delegates said they would recommend this workshop to others
91% of delegates rated their skill & confidence in the subject as ‘very’ or ‘extremely high’ as a result of attending the programme
87% came away with tangible actions to implement immediately
“The standard of training, the content of the courses, the presentation quality, the thought behind everything RightTrack Learning does; the support and the way they make you feel as a delegate, is top drawer in terms of professionalism, knowledge, and service care, but ultimately everyone is left with a memorable experience and an immense sense of achieving something. Invaluable in progressing our careers or just making the day job easier.”
Margo Keys, Finance Director (previous), Enterprise Inns
“The actors that they use in the sessions to act out scenarios and the way they create an open an honest environment for the attendees to be able to participate freely with feedback is completely refreshing and innovative.”