RightTrack Blog

Redefine Healthcare: The Urgency of Anti-Racism Training in the NHS

Recent studies by Roger Kline and Professor Duncan Lewis reveal a staggering financial loss of £2.3 billion annually in the NHS due to bullying and harassment. We delve into why there is an urgent need for anti-racism training in the NHS.

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6 Ways to Increase ROI of your Training Initiatives

We delve into six approaches that help to embed the learning, ensuring a lasting impact and guaranteeing a return on investment.

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6 examples of Unconscious Bias at work that you may not notice

Unconscious bias are those biases that we hold, but we are very much unaware of. Through assumptions we make, past…

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Unconscious Bias vs Conscious Inclusion; It’s Not Just Semantics.

Unconscious Bias training has had a lot of bad press recently. Journalists, CEOs and civil servants alike, have all claimed:…

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55% of People are Too Scared to Talk About Diversity and Inclusion in the Workplace for Fear of Saying the Wrong Thing

Of the 1,090 people who responded to our most recent poll, less than half said they are comfortable to talk…

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6 Ways to Protect Your Training Plans from Brexit Budget Cuts

Spring has finally arrived and thank goodness for that; not only does it bring sunny days and a new lease…

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Learning your way around Training Toolkits…

If you were to hear the word “training”, what’s the first thing that you would think of? Expensive? Disruptive? Boring?…

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The Benefits of Peer-to-Peer Learning

Training sessions can be uncomfortable for some people; fearing being picked on to answer a question, dragged to the front…

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The leadership crisis we face today

A recent survey by the World Economic Forum found that 86% of respondents believe we are facing a worldwide leadership…

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What Has Caused This Surge In Equality and Diversity Training?

Driven by the Equality Act 2010, HR departments across the UK sought to address inclusion within their organisations. However, clients…

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