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Can you demand diversity from your customers?
Goldman Sachs just did. In a revolutionary move, the CEO has announced that from July they will no longer take…

Book Club Best Read – A Geography of Time by Robert Levine
How Every Culture Keeps Time Just a Little Bit Differently Score: 8/10 Biggest Takeaway: Different cultures / groups of people have…

Book Club Best Read – Be More Pirate by Sam Conniff Allende
Score: 9/10 Biggest Takeaway: Set 300 years ago, in the golden age of pirates, this book is about being brave and…

Social Media and the Workplace
With an ever increasing reliance on technology and social media, we have become accessible 24/7; which in turn sets up…

Prince George – Gender Stereotypes & Unconscious Bias
As someone who is a total unapologetic Royalist, I really love seeing how the newest generation of Royals are doing…

Mental Health: A Ticking Time Bomb. Are You Prepared?
It’s counterintuitive to talk about mental health separately to physical health – ‘health’ represents our entire wellbeing, right? Yet ‘how’s…

Mindfulness Matters
61% of employees have experienced stress, anxiety or depression where work was a contributing factor. This is costing the UK…

6 Ways to Protect Your Training Plans from Brexit Budget Cuts
Spring has finally arrived and thank goodness for that; not only does it bring sunny days and a new lease…
15 Secrets Successful People Know About Time Management – Book Review
15 Secrets Successful People Know About Time Management by Kevin Kruse The Productivity Habits of 7 Billionaires, 13 Olympic Athletes,…