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‘When’ by Dan Pink Book Review: The Startling Importance of Timings
‘When’ by Dan Pink Score: 9/10 Biggest TakeAway: Different times of the day are better than others for certain tasks…

The Power of Habit Book Review: How to make New Year’s Resolutions that last
The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg Score: 9/10 Biggest Takeaway: Understanding the habit loop, how to recognise each of its three elements, and what to…

News Alert: RightTrack Collaborates with the Asian Business Chamber of Commerce
RightTrack Learning and the Asian Business Chamber of Commerce are collaborating to bring a participative workshop focusing on Unconscious Bias…

A Manager’s Guide To Supporting Staff With Mental Ill-Health
We all have mental health and sometimes, like our physical health, it can become unwell. Mental health is just as…

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion – is it on your agenda?
Are you up to date on Equality, Diversity and Inclusion? Can you afford not to be? Ensuring your company is…

Sick of hearing about millennials? It’s the over fifties keeping HR awake at night
We know that people are living and working for longer so are employers considering how they can effectively support and…

Inclusive Leadership: Dramatically changing the way we think
Inclusive Leadership A hot topic in the media and in many other industries, organisations are now realising that ‘Inclusive Leadership’…

Can Sadiq Khan’s ‘Our Time’ Initiative Tackle Institutionalised Gender Bias?
Last month, The Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan launched a bold new plan to tackle the lack of women leaders…

The Easy Way to Increase Organisation-Wide Productivity
Founder of the Ford Motor Company, Henry Ford, once said, “The only thing worse than training your employees and having…