Frequently Asked Questions

1. General

We support organisations with a wide range of ‘soft’ skills people development with our core subject specialisms being Diversity & Inclusion; Organisational Culture Development; Management and Leadership; Sales; Mindfulness and Wellbeing; Customer Service; and Personal Effectiveness (with scoops up ‘everything else’).

Training can come in any format from small-group in-person or live-virtual workshops (with or without actors!), to Train the Trainer, or creative large-scale learning events.

We’ve certainly had some wild and wonderful requests over the (almost) four decades we’ve been designing and delivering innovate people development solutions and it’s safe to say, we never shy away from an opportunity to get creative within the scope of the work we do best!

As well as training programmes, we support organisations with a range of different people and organisational development related products and services.

These include innovative training resources to facilitate in-house (for example Bitesize Learning videos, Toolkits, training manuals and bespoke video content); one-to-one or group coaching; culture audits and people data diagnostics; and consultancy to support with anything from strategy development to policy creation.

Yes! We love nothing more than to start with a blank sheet of paper, work with you to identify and articulate the need, and to design a memorable solution that demonstrably meets that need (and more!)

Even if what you are looking for is similar to something we have designed and delivered before, we understand that every organisation has different approaches, processes, structures, and cultures so as a matter of course we customise all content to suit.  Contact us via enquiry form, telephone, email, meeting link or live chat to book a meeting to explore the details of your project.

We work with any and every organisation, of any size, from any sector and in any country, to develop their people from new starters to strategic business leaders!

We don’t. We only provide services to businesses.

Chances are, if it’s to do with the behavioural development of people, then we do it (it just hasn’t made its way to the website yet.) Contact us via enquiry form, telephone, email, meeting link or live chat, and we will see what we can do to help.

Our HQ is in Birmingham (West Midlands, UK) however, we have trainers up and down the country (with a few based outside of the UK too!) This means whether it’s Cheltenham, the Channel Islands or Chile, we can support you with your people and organisational development needs.

This is all dependent on the people development solution you require – including number of delegates, in-person or virtual, with or without actors, etc. Simply enquire via online form, email, telephone, meeting link or live chat and after we’ve gathered all the relevant information we require to truly understand your need, we will prepare a tailored proposal and quotation (often with a couple of ‘package’ options to choose from).

Once we have sent you a proposal and quotation, if we have the pleasure of you choosing us as your supplier, simply e-sign the quotation to formally accept the commercials and we will contact you to book a complimentary Onboarding Meeting to get the project started.

2. Services

We have a wide range of learning and development specialists in the team, with expertise in many topics and sectors. Once we know more about the scope of work, we will handpick your trainer or project team, providing you with their profile/s (or a selection of profile options) and the opportunity to meet and make final selections before the project starts.

Take a look at our Meet the Team page for a little more info!

Blended learning combines different methods such as in-person training, virtual sessions, and self-paced materials to create a comprehensive learning experience.

Our training programmes can be delivered through various formats, including live virtual/online sessions, in-person workshops, webinars, modular training and self-paced bitesize learning videos or toolkits. Oh and let’s not forget the option to enhance training workshops with actors!

No, we’d prefer it if you didn’t. This is for a couple of different reasons but primarily it’s to protect the safe spaces we work hard to create so everyone feels comfortable to participate fully. GDPR and protecting our Intellectual Property are also factors.

No these are different things. e-Learning is a passive online learning methodology that an individual follows themselves. Live virtual training is an interactive real-time workshop delivered to a group by a specialist via an online meeting platform such as Teams or Zoom.

We come to your premises or a venue of your choosing. We don’t have our own training centres, after all, it’s considerably easier to plan travel for your trainer or delivery team to come to you than it is for your whole delegate group to come to us. We can organise venues if you need us to, however, it will be more cost effective to go direct.

We recommend no more than 18 people per workshops without actors, and where the facilitator is joined by two actors we can increase this to 25. Webinars can accommodate as many as the hosting software will allow (often up to 2000). However, there is always some flexibility to help you balance impact with budget. And of course, were we need to, we can design something a little bit different to accommodate specific preferences and requirements.  

This is led by you, your objectives and budget. Generally, our training is designed as one hour webinars, three-hour half-day sessions (in-person or live-virtual) or full-day in-person workshops (in-person only). Depending on the nature of the project the workshop may be a one-off or part of a modular approach. Where time in the training room is limited we can enhance the solution with pre and post learning resources to help meet the learning objectives with less impact on operations.

Very flexible! We understand that not one time fits all and often organisations need to be inclusive of employees with flexible working patterns, shift-workers, and employees working in different time zones.

Naturally, there’s always a few slides to support facilitation but our training is primarily based on learning through doing, not listening (we know that’s the only way to engage and inspire!)

We get people stuck into cleverly-designed, practical activities and engaging with each other through meaningful discussions. There is also the option to enhance programmes with actors, bespoke video content, psychometrics, and business simulation activities.

Depending on how close to the delivery dates we are, there may be an option to reschedule or re-assign budget to a different product / service although this is at a Director’s discretion. The closer we get to delivery dates, the harder it is for us to rebook those dates with another organisation which means rescheduling does incur a fee. It is better to formally confirm training dates only when you are sure they work for all attendees and the organisation.

3. Enhancements

Yes! Feel free to email your facilitator at any time. In addition to that we can provide a range of resources such as bite-size learning videos or training toolkits to further the learning. Optional one-on-one coaching can also be explored.

Typically, workshops with actors are led by a subject training specialist who’s joined by two professional actors. As part of the workshop true-to-life scenarios are enacted and the delegate group are invited to interact with that scenario, using new skills to steer it to a better conclusion. Through the opportunity to ask characters questions, we also challenge the assumptions that create barriers in the workplace, and share perspectives that may never have been considered.

Drama-based training creates goosebump moments and engages hearts and minds in a way like no other training methodology.  Actor-led scenarios help us to tackle sensitive subjects in an impactful way, enhancing engagement and active participation through interactive learning.

Take a look at our actors in action…

Absolutely! We can script bespoke scenarios based on the lived experiences of your people, write them based on anecdotal examples of situations that have happened in your organisation/sector, or we can collaboratively select them from our extensive library of existing cross-sector scenarios.

Take a look at our Training Workshops with Actors for more information.

When we use actors we effectively have three facilitators in the room (two actors and a subject specialist) which allows us to increase to delegate groups size and off-set some of the additional cost.

Please contact us to talk about your training project; we can quote a solution with and without actors for an accurate price comparison.

Yes, we can offer Institute of Leadership accreditation on any of our solutions for managers and leaders.

No, we have not seen progression or impact from e-learning solutions. We instead offer Bitesize Learning Videos and Toolkits which work well as part of a blended approach.

No! Once you have purchased the bitesize learning videos or training toolkits, they are yours to keep forever!

4. Experience

We don’t want to blow our own trumpet but our services get amazingly, positive feedback!

Not only to a business where they have seen increased communication, new diversity initiatives being employed, team leaders being promoted, etc but also the personal and emotional impact to individuals who have attended our programmes, who have realised and changed certain behaviours inside and outside of the workplace.

Don’t just take our word for it, read our wonderful diversity and inclusion testimonials, our management and leadership testimonials or read some of our case studies with clients.

Over thirty years, we have had the pleasure of working with various clients across various sectors. From charities to construction, food and beverage to financial, hospital and healthcare to hospitality and leisure, social housing to sport and possibly every level of education going! Oh, and so much more!

Check out our list of clients here and some of the amazing projects we’ve worked on them in our case studies section.